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New Year, New Updates: Formatting for Narrative Templates, Improved Visibility Into Peer Feedback, Faster Transaction Analysis, and More

Courtney Chuang

Head of Product Marketing

Compliance professionals know better than anyone how important it is to pay attention to details. And if you're doing detail-oriented work, your tools should bring you clarity – not get in the way. 
That's why we're excited to bring you 12 new platform improvements, both big and small, to help you get the insights you need faster and more effortlessly.
We hope these changes make your work easier and more enjoyable in 2024.

Bold, italicize, and format your narrative templates

Narrative Templates Rich Text Formatting

Give your narrative templates more structure with new formatting options. You can now bold, italicize, and underline text, as well as add bulleted and numbered lists.

Hummingbird automatically removes all formatting before SARs/STRs are generated and filed.

View files and other case information side-by-side

Files Investigation Canvas

Case files will now open in a new tab in the Investigation Canvas. View files side-by-side with your review to quickly document your findings. Or, view them side-by-side with relevant Profiles to easily spot discrepancies and add new information.

Side-by-side view is currently only supported for PDF and image (JPEG, PNG) files.

See peer review feedback in case comments and on the review

Peer Review Comments

Feedback given during peer reviews now appears in case comments as well as the review's decision task – so you can easily see what needs to be addressed.

Analyze more transactions at once by going full-screen

Transactions Table Full Screen

View the transactions table in full-screen to analyze transactions (and work cases!) faster than ever.

Export a report of alerts received by Hummingbird

Export Alert History

Need to audit the alerts that have been sent to Hummingbird? Now you can export a CSV report of your alert data, including the alert ID, associated rule, when it was created, triggered, and processed, and more.

7 little fixes with big impact

1. Filters on the transactions table now reset when moving between cases.

2. Character limit for narratives increased to 500,000 characters.

3. Support for uploading Excel (.XLSL) files to tasks within your reviews.

4. Ability to scroll horizontally while selecting columns in a dashboard or table.

5. Quickly see the number of comments on a case on the Investigation Canvas.

6. See what Profile data is available at a glance with counts for each category.

7. Case history now specifies that system changes are made by Hummingbird.

Learn more about Hummingbird

Hummingbird enables compliance and risk teams to accelerate their financial crime investigations. Designed for all kinds of investigations, from customer due diligence to AML and fraud, Hummingbird automates routine compliance tasks, while empowering analysts to make smarter, faster decisions.

Ready to see what Hummingbird could do for your organization? Schedule your demo today, and see how top financial institutions, including Evolve Bank & Trust, Stripe, and Affirm, make their investigations 10x more efficient and effective with Hummingbird.

If you are a current customer and have questions or feedback, reach out to your Customer Success Manager or get in touch at support@hummingbird.co

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