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Superpowers for financial crime fighters

Hummingbird is a compliance and risk platform that empowers financial institutions to conduct fast, accurate financial crime investigations. Reimagining compliance workflows from the ground up, Hummingbird’s modern suite of investigative tools enables financial institutions to drive efficiency and lower costs without sacrificing quality or compromising on risk.

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Hummingbird features

How it works



Alerts, cases, reports, tips, referrals, reviews, audits… now in one place

Organize your data (no matter the source or format) and make sure things are done on time. Hummingbird brings everything together, centralizing your workflow.

  • Add cases from any source
  • Import from spreadsheets
  • Connect to modern APIs


Know your customer

Compliance and Risk teams take a different view of customer relationships, meaning a standard sales CRM won’t do. Hummingbird is a purpose-built compliance CRM, giving teams everything they need to understand the underlying risks and expected behavior of their customers.

  • Single view of customer information
  • Full case history in one place
  • Integrated KYC data sources
  • Related entity tracking

Case Management

A new way to organize cases

Leaving case management to spreadsheets or legacy systems risks letting important information slip through the cracks. Hummingbird organizes your cases into different types, giving you easy control of timelines, assignments, and visibility.

  • Easy team coordination
  • Strong timeline management
  • Efficient search & handling
  • Case type grouping
  • Scale up without hiring

Alert Intelligence

Teach old alerts new tricks

Hummingbird applies intelligence to alerts as they come in. Use your existing transaction monitoring setup, and we’ll immediately start helping you group, prioritize, and take action on alerts more efficiently.

  • Use your existing transaction monitoring
  • Work alerts from any source
  • Group alerts by subject
  • Automate repetitive alert handling
  • Eliminate duplicate work
  • Quickly triage and escalate


Go deep. Really deep.

Are you still using dial-up internet? No? Then why are you still using your legacy system? Ad hoc procedures and spreadsheets are just begging for errors and audit problems. Hummingbird gives you the tools for deep investigation work and makes sure you’re consistent, thorough, and auditable – every time.

  • Gather all activity, profiles, and docs
  • Guide investigation workflows
  • Explore data visualizations
  • Map out key locations & relationships
  • Link out to any research tool
Create Automations


Accelerate compliance processes

Hummingbird Automations is a simple yet powerful automation builder. It's designed to automate manual, repetitive tasks – so you can free up your team to focus on what matters most: complex, strategic compliance work. 

  • Automate high-volume, low-value tasks
  • Enforce procedures and controls
  • Improve case and activity monitoring


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Request Information

Integrated Requests For Information

Don’t depend on clumsy PDFs and hard-to-track email threads. Reach out to customers directly from your investigation workflow. Any information or documents you receive will be securely added to the case for review.

  • Send Requests for Information (RFIs) directly from cases
  • Provide customers with emails containing a secure form
  • Feed information and documents back into your case
  • Automatically conduct monitoring and follow-ups

Regulatory Reports & Audits

Cut time per filing by 95%

Global SARs, STRs, and Referrals: Refer cases and file reports with law enforcement, validate every field, and track filing acceptance — all without touching the SAR PDF.

  • File to US, Canada, Ireland, and other goAML countries
  • Streamline SAR prep workflows
  • Thousands of validation checks
  • File electronically by pushing a button
  • Fintechs: refer cases to bank partners (UARs)


Powerful and actionable

Modern compliance depends on strong data analysis. Hummingbird presents data-driven insights and information in highly-visual, modern formats, giving compliance teams exactly what they need.

  • Manage team workload
  • Capture categories & trends
  • Understand monitoring effectiveness
  • Breeze through audits and exams
  • Power machine learning

Get started

Let us show you how we can make your team 10-15x more productive.

  • Get started quickly

    We'll have you up and running in a jiffy.

  • No integration required

    Bulk import your existing casework.

  • Safe & secure

    Blessed by security teams from top financial institutions.

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